Join for just $2.49/Month
Get Access To Over 400 Discounts + FREE MEMBER GIVEAWAYS
The longer you're a member, the more bonus entries you'll receive!
"Checking my emails, I was delighted to see an email from CARMA Rewards Club advising me of winning an amazing iPhone prize! I was so surprised, I couldn’t believe it! Exactly what I needed as well."

"So excited as I haven't won many things. Very grateful. My husband is very excited as he is the only one that drinks coffee."

"I can’t believe this! I never win anything! I’m in shock!"

"I was grinning from ear to ear. I'm speechless"

"All I thought was, 'no way.'"

"Super excited! Thank you very much, CARMA Rewards Club. Love the service and I know my wife will love her new iPad."

Which membership type is right for you?
Let’s breakdown what included in each plan. Don’t worry, you can cancel or upgrade at anytime!
Join From $2.49/Month

Access Discounts
For 400+ Brands
Access Discounts
For 400+ Brands
+14 Day Early Access For New Discounts
Access Discounts
For 400+ Brands
+14 Day Early Access For New Discounts
+10% CRC Merch Store
5% Donated
7.5% Donated
10% Donated
1 FREE Giveaway Entry
Per Month
3 FREE Giveaway Entries
Per Month
10 FREE Giveaway Entries
Per Month
Have any questions?
We're here to help.
Here are the most common questions we get from prospective CARMA Rewards Club Members.
If you can’t find what your looking for, contact us!
Phone: 03 5296 5266
Mail: 22 Fiveways Boulevard Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia
List Your Business: Application

How do giveaway entries work and do they expire?
When you join CARMA Rewards Club or renew your membership, you will be issued with FREE giveaway entries. The amount of entries you receive will depend on your membership type and length of your membership.
Entries expire each month, you will receive a number of new bonus entries based on how long you've been an active member.
This means that the longer you're a member, the more bonus entries you'll receive.
How are the giveaway winners selected?
All of our giveaways have a 'Closing Date' and 'Results Date'. As soon as a giveaway closes, our system generates a list of all of the active entry numbers in circulation. We then conduct the draw using™ (TPAL Electronic Draw System) and the results are published on our website on the 'Results Date'. This is always the next business day after the giveaway closes unless the closing date falls on a Friday or Saturday.
What happens if I cancel my membership?
If your membership is automatically cancelled due to multiple failed payment attempts or you cancel your membership manually, all of your accumulated entries will be lost and removed from circulation.
You will have a 48 hour window where you can reactivate your CRC membership and retain all of your entries. However, after the 48 hour period, the entries be lost permanently.
What happens to my entries if I upgrade or downgrade my membership?
If you decide to upgrade or downgrade your membership plan, you will be charged immediately, but you will not be issued with more giveaway entries during the billing cycle. This is done to prevent the misuse of the upgrade/downgrade feature.
Regardless of whether you upgrade or downgrade your membership, your existing entries will remain active for the current billing period.
What is the membership fee guarantee?
The 'Membership Fee Guarantee' means the price of your membership will never increase as long as you have an active CRC membership.
This means that even if we were to increase the price of memberships for new users, your membership remains unchanged.
Should you cancel your CRC membership and decide to rejoin at a later date, the price guarantee will not apply and you will need to pay the new membership price.
How are winners notified?
On the 'Results Date' for giveaways, all CRC members are notified who won the giveaway via email. Winners will receive a variation of the email asking them to contact our team to confirm their mailing address for their prize.
We will contact winners by phone and registered mail if they do not contact us within 7 days after the email notification is sent out.
Is CARMA Rewards Club a charity or not-for-profit?
CARMA Rewards Club is a private for-profit organisation. We donate up to 10% of our revenue to several organisations by choice.
We also choose to run FREE giveaways for members.
Can I access V.I.Pet if my pet is not listed on Central Animal Records?
If your pet is not listed on a national database, it is unlikely that your pet will be returned to you if they go missing as there will be no contact details linked to your pet's microchip number when scanned by a vet or council.
With a CARMA Rewards Club membership, you can list your first pet on Central Animal Records for FREE (normally $10). You will then get immediate access to all of the above V.I.Pet features for an unlimited number of animals.
Note: If your pet is already listed on another national database, you may not be able to access the above V.I.Pet features.